Maya Angelou said it best, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. When I think of my amazing Memaw Flo and the memories we have...
You are doing such a good job. Now stop and reread that first sentence again until you believe it. I want these words to sink from your heart all the way down into your toes. Whether your mommin’, wifin’, teachin’,...
"Do not be anxious or worry about anything, but in every situation, through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God." Paul said it best, y’all. And my goodness, sometimes it sounds so easy and seems so hard....
I'm learning everyday that the heart, mind, and body is created for scheduled and purposeful rest. I like to build and create. I like to see things grow. I like to have my hands in the good works the Lord...
What have you been waiting to see manifest in your life? What promise has God spoken to your heart that you have given up on? In a season of waiting, it’s easy to become settled with status-quo thinking and lose...
It was October 15, when the doctor called me. She let me know that my husband would need to be life-lighted to a larger hospital in Nashville, in hopes to give him a chance at living. It was one of...
Do you know that you are a solution to one of the world’s problems? Your very existence is needed, right where you are-in the city, community, and family you find yourself in. Your obedience and yes to God could literally...
Fear not” is found 365 times in the bible. Make no mistake, fear will try to come knocking on your door, but, it’s how you choose to answer that matters. Years ago, I went on a missions trip to Africa. I...
On average you will make about 35,000 decisions in a day. Many of those decisions will be your usual routine.. what kind of coffee creamer you will use, what to wear, and one others are most thankful for, the decision...
It’s so easy to be affected by our surroundings and circumstances. We often gauge our level of peace by what's going on around us. But as a believer, peace is something we can receive freely from God and walk securely in...
One of my favorite scriptures is found in Acts 4:13. Scripture says, “they were ordinary men with little schooling, but they could tell they have been with Jesus”. Have you ever spent time with someone and you can literally feel...